Pietro Paolo Pompilio
(Petrus Paulus Pompilius), c. 1455-1491. Poet, grammarian, professor at the Studium Urbis, and member of the second Academy
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Relations with Pomponius (testimonia)
Dedicated to PL his dialogue on love between Alexius Eustathius and Bartholomaeus Platina (Dialogus de amore, 1487: BAV, Vat. Lat. 2222, f. 46)
[excerpts from text, to be added]
Pietro Paolo Pompilio was born at Rome c.1455 and died there in 1491. A grammarian, and perhaps a rival of Sulpizio da Veroli, he was professor at the Studium Urbis (documented for 1482-84) and seems to have had strong ties to the Spanish community in Rome. He was a member of the "Sodalitas Litteratorum Sancti Victoris et sociorum in Quirinali" (Second Academy) and admirer of Pomponio Leto, to whom he dedicated his Dialogus de amore. (Osmond and Ulery 2003, 245)
See Osmond and Ulery 2003, 245.
See P.O. Kristeller, Iter italicum, ad indices, for Pompilio manuscripts, including: BAV, Vat. lat. 2222, with the Dialogus de amore, De bonis artibus, De orthographia, etc., and Vita Pauli Pompilii; Rome, Biblioteca Angelica, Ms. 1351, fols. 1r-57v.: Dictata ("lectio publica") on Sallust's Bellum Catilinae and Bellum Iugurthinum), c.1481.
Printed Editions:
De syllabis et de accentibus (Rome 1488); De triumpho Granatensi (in praise of Ferdinand and Isabella) (Rome 1490); Vita Senecae (Rome 1490).
Osmond e Ulery (2003), 244-45 (with Bibliography, 245, incl. W. Bracke); R. Gottschalck, Thesis, University of Aarhus (Advisor, M. Pade), on the Dictata of Paolo Pompilio, Roma, Biblioteca Angelica, Ms. 1351 (in progress).
A fuller biography is in preparation by R. Gottschalck.
Authors & Texts: Sallustius; Seneca; Suetonius. Persons & Subjects: Platina; Studium Urbis; Sulpizio da Veroli.
Patricia Osmond (6.12.2006)
This entry can be cited as follows:
Patricia Osmond, "Pietro Paolo Pompilio," Repertorium Pomponianum (URL: www.repertoriumpomponianum.it/pomponiani/pompilio.htm,