Repertorium Pomponianum

Texts by Pomponio Leto and texts concerning him


Texts written before Leto's death

For a conspectus of the epistolary texts from and to Leto, see the correspondence.


Texts written by Leto

Defensio in carceribus, see here.

Vita Sallusti, see here.

Vita Statii, see here.

Vitae Varronis, see here.

Vita Virgilii, see here.


Texts written by others


Augustinus de Rubeis, Dispatch to the Duke of Milan, Galeazzo Maria Sforza (28. Feb. 1468), see Pastor 1928, II, 763-66.

Iohannes Blanchus, Dispatch to the Duke of Milan, Galeazzo Maria Sforza (29. Feb. 1468), see Pastor 1928, II, 766-69.

Niccolò Perotti, Preface to commentary of Statius, Sylvae, see here.

Niccolò Perotti, Vita Martialis, see here.



Domizio Palladio Sorano, Epigrams 2.33 (Ad Academiam), 2.88 (Ad Pomponium Laetum excellentissimum).


Texts concerning the Palilia

Paolo Marsi, Natalis.

Domizio Palladio Sorano, Carmen in Romae Vrbis Genethliacon (eleg. 7)



Texts written immediately after Leto's death


Jacopo Antiquario, Letter to Ferno.

Michele Ferno, Elogium historicum.

Pietro Marsi, Oratio funebris.

Marco Antonio Sabellico, Vita Pomponii (letter to Antonio Mauroceno), see here.

Giovanni Giovio Pontano, from De sermone, see here.



Domizio Palladio Sorano, Epitaph for Leto, here.

Giovanni Giovio Pontano, Epitaph for Leto, here.



Later texts

Pietro Bembo, De Culice Vergili et Terentii fabulis.

Beatus Rhenanus, see here.

Pierio Valeriano, from De litteratorum infelicitate, see here.

Jo. Albertus Fabricius, Bibliotheca mediae et infimae latinitatis.

Apostolo Zeno, Dissertazioni Vossiane.

Jacob Burckhardt, from The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, see here.